List of Everyday Problems

Here are a general and a work related list of everyday problems:

General problem list
Job or career problem?
Drug problem?
Marriage problem?
Time-management problem?
Problem with children or adolescents?
Self-discipline problem?
Low self-esteem?
Academic problem?
Emotional problem?
Conflict between job and family responsibilities?
Moral conflict?
Religious problem?
Conflict between academic and family responsibilities?
Legal problem?
Lack of recreation or leisure activities?
Housekeeping or home maintenance problems?
Transportation problem?
Problem with parents or other relatives?
Concern about the neighborhood?
Concern about the community?
Lack of social relationships?
Concern about the environment?
Interpersonal conflicts?
Problems with business products or services?
Sexual problem?
Sleep problem?
Problem with professional services?
Financial problem?
Illness or disability problem?
Problem with social or government services?
Lack of exercise?
Weight problem?
Concern about world problems?
Drinking problem?

Work related problems
Job-finding problem?
Not enough job autonomy?
Job interview problem?
Limited opportunity for advancement?
Inadequate job performance?
Absenteeism or tardiness?
Unsafe practices?
Poor communication with superiors?
Too much work?
Too little work?
Work not challenging enough?
Poor communication with subordinates?
Work too difficult or complex?
Ambiguous job demands?
Poor relationships with peers?
Ambiguous job goals?
Interpersonal disputes?
Conflicting job demands?
Ineffective delegation or lack of assertiveness?
Too much responsibility?
Too little responsibility?
Lack of recognition?
Lack of opportunity to participate in decision-making which affects my job?
Aversive or unhealthy work environment?
Inadequate pay or benefits?
Poor job security?
Unproductive meetings?
Commuting problems?
Wasting time?
Too much traveling in the job?

D’Zurilla, Thomas J. & Nezu, Arthur M. (2006). Problem-solving therapy: a positive approach to clinical intervention. 3. ed. New York, NY: Springer, p. 114.

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